You can download a free template or buy it for 5000 roubles, it's up to you. But bear in mind that this is not an aquisition of high quality web site, moreover this web site buys you )). You will need to bother how to maintain it, to add new features, to add content... And where is your business individuality?
The design shoule be unique and well-thought out. This is not only question of colours and harmony, but usability and marketing. The web site is your representative in the virtual world, it should be bright, it should reflect your corporate style.
Individual design does not always mean expensive. It depends on customer's views, requirements, whether or not he/she has corporate style, or at least vision.
Usually we offer at least two completely different design solutions. We discuss it and after that choose one and bring it to final. But sometimes we offer 10 and even more, it depends on the case...
As exclusive, we can offer oil painted design.